We have provided assistance to the following children & organisations:
- Beechley stables – riding for the disabled: Donation
- Refugee Centre in St Helens: Donation
- Lewis (a child suffering with Leukaemia): Hybrid bike
- Sefton Children’s Trust: Donation for Christmas presents
- Young Peoples Advisory Service Merseyside: Donation for warm clothing to homeless teenagers
- Sophie: A new trike (image of Sophie and her Mum)
- Refugees: Donation of shoes
- Our Warm Welcome: A selection of children’s shoes donated
- Garston Under 7’s Football Team: asked for help with the purchase of kits for their team. We were able to fund 8 Hooded Track Suits, 24 Training Tops and 3 Footballs.
- MSB Woolton: Generator for their training facility
- Charlie has recently received his specially adapted tricycle, this has given him greater independence. His Mum said he is a very lucky boy and the family are extremely grateful for our help.

We also support a number of local schools:
- Christ The King Nursery: Picnic tables
- Local school: 4 Computer tablets
- x4 Local schools: Pantomime performances by Altru Drama Group
- St Mary & St Thomas CofE Primary School: Playground equipment, Easter chocolate baskets donation
- St Arnots Primary School: Donation for playground equipment
- Kirkdale St Lawrence Primary School: We were delighted to donate a Football Strip for their team, pictures showing them looking very smart and in action on the field
- Broad Oak Primary School: Donation for PE kits
- MSB Woolton: Requested help with the purchase of a Generator for their Training facility, this has now been purchased.
- St Mary’s & St Paul’s School: The Deputy Head requested help with outdoor play equipment for the children, items are in the process of being purchased.

End of Term Report 2024
During the last school term, we have funded Altru Drama Group to perform KS1/2 Mental Health and Wellbeing Training to the pupils of the following schools:
- Pinehurst, Liverpool
- Belle Vale, Liverpool
- St Maries, Liverpool and
- Broad Oak, St Helens
Through drama activities, the workshop helps children develop confidence, self-esteem, communication and teamwork skills which helps them to come to a view of themselves and to the choices they make.
We received an application from All Saints Catholic Primary School, Bootle for help to purchase items for their reception and nursery classes including play aprons, waterproof outdoor suits and pumps in various sizes, we were pleased to support the application.
Broad Oak Primary, St Helens and Kensington Primary, Liverpool have also received funding to purchase gym kits for their new intake of pupils starting in September.
The above has only been possible with the donations and support at our fundraising activities for which we are very grateful.